Termine für die 12. Internationale Konferenz für Beschichtungen auf Glas und Kunststoff
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- Ausgabezeit
- 2017/11/24
Dates Set for 12th International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastic
The 12th Annual International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics will be held June 11-15 in Wurtzburg, Germany at the Conference Center
Keynote speakers include the following:
M. Robinson, CEO & design director, ED Design
K. Zaghib, general director, Center of Excellence in Transportation Electrification and Energy Storage, Hydro Québec
T. Kolbusch, vice president, Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH
W. Dewald, corporate research and development, Materials & Manufacturing, Volkswagen AG
C. Maywald, head of R+D department, Vector Foiltec GmbH
S. Oktik, head of R+D, CTO ?i?ecam Turkey